Unfortunately, there can be potential problems that weaken or disappear altogether. Many people do not know how to handle this. Therefore, the increased potential of men is an important question to which not all members of the stronger should know the answer.
Potency Enhancement Methods
Potency is a person's physical ability to have sex. Generally, in sexology, this term is used for men, and in this context, efficacy ends with the appearance of an erection and the normal course of sexual intercourse, with ejaculation.
Here's how to increase efficiency:
- Creams, sprays and medicines;
- Massage;
- Acupuncture techniques;
- Physical education;
- Food.
There are various ways to improve a man's strength. For best effect, several methods are often combined. However, it is best to avoid taking the drug if possible. As a general rule, in the early stages of sexual dysfunction, you may limit yourself to massage, a diet with certain foods, and exercise.
There are a number of therapeutic methods that increase efficacy that differ only in the way they are administered. Read the instructions for use carefully before use.
Cream and spray
Effective creams and sprays are considered safe because they do not pass through the digestive system but only come into contact with the area of application. In addition, they do not affect diseases of the internal organs in any way.
All products are synthetic and herbal. Herbal preparations last longer but are more delicate. Synthetics have an immediate effect but barely last longer. The spray is considered more comfortable than the cream as it does not have to get your hands dirty. However, demand is high for both types of drugs.

When you visit the pharmacy, you can see a number of medicines to increase the effectiveness of your tablets or capsules. In fact, each product contains a concentrated extract of a natural stimulant such as ginseng, maral antlers, Chinese magnolia grapes, or the like.
The effectiveness of these funds depends on the person's body and dose, so it is better to consult a specialist to select the best medicine.
Non-pharmacological methods
This group includes all methods of increasing masculine strength except medication. Order acupuncture methods, massages, exercise and food. But they are only effective in the initial stages of sexual dysfunction.
Prostate massage
Prostate massage is considered the most famous and some people manage to practice it at home. However, there are nuances that every man should know if he wants to try this cure.
Prostate massage follows a specific plan:
- A person has to hold one position: he leans on his knees and elbows.
- The masseur puts on sterile gloves and places the index finger 4-5 cm deep in the man's anus with circular movements.
- The massage is performed with smooth movements from the edges to the middle. If hard zones of the prostate are felt, they should be massaged with particular care.
- At the end of the massage, slide your finger along the central groove of the prostate to drain the fluid.
- Gently pull your finger out.
Therapeutic massage helps to cope not only with increasing male strength but also with problems in the genitourinary system. Patients note that after a therapeutic massage, the prostate channels normalize and congestion disappears.
scrotum massage
This type of massage stabilizes spermatogenesis and efficiency by improving testicular blood flow and eliminating scratching of the scrotum.

The point is quite simple: the scrotum is mechanically kneaded in the palm of your hand. Many men find that a stimulating massage performed by a sexual partner is a good prelude. Afterwards, libido and mood increase significantly.
There are several rules for effective massage of the testicles.
First, the massager's hands should be warm. Second, the smooth muscles of the scrotum should be loosened by placing a warm towel on it before the procedure. Third, the scrotum should be kneaded, gentle, without pressure, and massaged with special care when touching hard points.
Penis massage
The purpose of massage is to normalize nerve impulses and improve blood circulation in the organ. The massage should not be done with a complete erection when the body is not yet firm enough. You can grasp the organ with your fist and lightly press it, pull it from the root of the penis to the vagina, or press individual points. If an erection has occurred, you should pause the massage and wait for it to weaken.
Acupuncture for effectiveness
The benefits of acupuncture have long been known and many people are reluctant to take advantage of the disease. Such a means of influencing potency allows you to induce a blood attack to a certain area by pressing the point of the body responsible for that area.
When we talk about potency, the following points can be distinguished on a man's body:
- Point on the arm. To find it, the fingers of the left hand (thumb and forefinger) grasp the right wrist and then move 1 cm to the elbow.
- Points on the sacrum. They are in a straight line in an area of 7-9 cm above the coccyx.
- A point on the solar plexus.
- Points on the foot. They are in a straight line from the center of the corner. The first occurs after 1-2 cm, the second - in the middle of the foot.
These points can be pressed and massaged. Usually, acupressure takes 3-5 minutes to cover an area.
Physical activity can be a good help in strengthening potency. The man has been shown to increase libido during exercise. The most effective exercises are running and walking, cycling, squatting, and other exercises that focus on the muscles of the buttocks, back, and abdominal muscles. Yoga is also helpful.
It is worth noting that some products are effective means of increasing masculine strength and can outperform many products in tablets and capsules. In the absence of contraindications, these products can be consumed in adequate quantities. For example:

- Oysters.They open a list of foods as they contain the most amino acids, zinc and dopamine - the substance responsible for male libido.
- Cooked mackerel.Contains large amounts of fatty acids that are important for the biosynthesis of the male hormone testosterone. Also a source of phosphorus and iodine.
- Flounder.Contains vitamins A, B, E, zinc and amino acids.
- Nuts:Walnuts, pine nuts, nutmeg and almonds. Rich in magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and E. It is recommended to mix several nuts in one meal.
- Chocolate.Its effect is quite interesting: theobromine and phenylethylamine cause a feeling of love and a slight "intoxication", which increases sexual desire.
- Ginger.Improves blood flow, saturates the body with vitamins. Honey ginger tea is especially useful.
There are many ways to increase effectiveness, and you often don't even have to resort to medication. Moreover, non-medicated methods not only help increase efficiency: massage and point-to-point techniques applied to the body can replace foreplay, physical education restores physical shape, and proper nutrition saturates the body with vitamins.