Pre-cum is a clear pre-ejaculatory fluid that is released from the penis when it becomes aroused, similar to how the vagina secretes natural lubrication.
Where does pre-cum come from?
Pre-ejaculate is produced by the pea-sized Cooper's gland (bulbourethral gland), located just below the prostate.
Is pre-cum the same as semen?
No, many people confuse precum and sperm (ejaculate), and that's understandable. Both fluids are secreted from the penis, but they have different purposes and benefits.
Precum works like a pre-penetration lubricant, but its main purpose is to lubricate the urethra to make the sperm's journey from the testicles to the vagina as safe as possible. It also helps to clean the urine of bacteria and balance the pH level.
Semen is a liquid that can be white, gray or even yellowish in color and appears as a result of orgasm. It transports sperm from the penis to the vagina for fertilization.
How much preejaculate does the body produce?
For most penis owners, the pre-ejaculatory fluid volume is between a teaspoon and less.
Some penis owners may experience and produce an excessive amount of precum, which can be somewhat burdensome and uncomfortable. While excess pre-ejaculatory fluid is not a health hazard, it can be embarrassing and embarrassing to suddenly wet your underwear when you see a hottie walking down the street. However, this does not mean that you should use pre-cum as a lubricant!
How to treat excess precum?
If you experience an increased amount of preejaculate, especially outside of the bedroom, see your doctor. There are medications your doctor can prescribe to reduce the amount of pre-ejaculatory fluid while still maintaining the natural cleansing and pH-balancing benefits of the urethra.
How to produce more preums?
It is quite possible that your body or your penis does not produce preejaculate, or only produces a small amount. Unfortunately, many supplement companies claim to increase the amount of pre-cum, but don't fall for these cheap tricks - you can't affect the amount of fluid your body produces. Every body is built differently.
Penis owners should try prostate stimulation and pelvic floor muscle training. This will teach you to control premature ejaculation for pleasure and also improve the production of pre-ejaculate.
Can precum cause pregnancy?
Chances are slim, but yes, you can still get pregnant! This is why coitus interruptus, in which a man pulls out his penis while he is about to have an orgasm, is not an ideal way to prevent pregnancy.
Can you give or receive an STI from pre-cum?
Pre-cum is a sexual fluid that can carry bacteria or viral infections from Cooper's glands, so yes, transmission of infection and STIs is possible.
STIs can be transmitted through all forms of sex, including sex that does not result in pregnancy, such as oral or anal sex. With penetrative vaginal sex, the chance of transmitting precum with an STI is much higher than the chance of getting pregnant.
Therefore, always use a condom, even if you only plan to have oral sex.